Thanks for keeping up with our bathroom remodel. Today was a fantastic day!

As you saw from the pictures yesterday, we had all the tile laid out and cut. This morning we marked all the seams, numbered the tiles and squares on the floor as we removed them from the room (temporarily), and got to work - big time!

Since only one person fits in this bathroom at a time, and Aleks is the most handy (and does the most research on everything), he got to do most of the work while I acted as the #1 assistant - A.K.A. tile hander-offer/support coach/soda getter. It is still amazing to see how much of a mess we can make of our entire house just for one little project. Everything from the basement, through the living room, dining room, kitchen, and even upstairs in the bedrooms looks like disaster struck. Just as we think we're getting the house in order and our things are organized, we mess it all up again. This project is definitely going to be worth it!

So, everything worked out as planned. Exactly! Aleks did a great job with the mortar and laying each tile according to our plan. He got everything complete in under 2 hours! Now we get a nice break as they have to sit for 24 hours. Yippee!! We get to treat ourselves to a night out on the town. ...well, at least a few hours out walking through the mall and going to dinner. We can only hope that the rest of the bathroom remodel goes this smoothly.

Tomorrow is grout work in the afternoon, and possibly measuring the walls for the bead board. We'll be sure to keep you posted. Stay tuned.
I've also added a quick video clip of Mason, who's also been a good sport through this project. We've managed to keep him away from most of the mess so far. As you can see, he's still into his huge sticks and LOVES playing in the snow. He can't wait to pass along his kisses and press his cold, wet nose to everyone's cheeks. Cheers!
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