I just wanted to say hi to all my friends, especially the ones I haven't seen in a while.
Hi Lauren. Hi Sarah. I miss you girls and I hope we can see each other at the farm again soon. I had so much fun when you were there. Staci and Aleks are taking me there this weekend to run around in the stream and all the fields, but it won't be the same without you.
Hi Andrew. Hi Jacob. Andrew, I've seen some of the fun waffles and pancakes you get for breakfast and if I was there with you I would eat those right off your plate! It looks like you're having fun playing with your train set and all your lego's. I miss watching you ride around the farm on the tractor with Aleks. I've also heard that you're a great big brother. I can't wait to meet Jacob soon.
Hi Madeline. Hi William. I'm glad your mom shows you my notes so we can stay in touch. I saw recent pictures of William at the race track - that looked like so much fun! You are getting to be such a big boy with such a great smile. And Madeline, you were doing some high kicks in the pictures we saw - it looks like you are really enjoying all your activities. Which one is your favorite?
It's that time of year when everyone heads back to school. We hope you have a great school year and have fun with your friends. Hopefully we can see each other soon so I can give you big, wet, slobbery kisses and Staci and Aleks can give you big hugs.
Lets talk soon! Enjoy some of my recent pictures. Roof roof.
Love, Mason

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