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We finally got back to Rangeley, ME!
This is the area we went camping a few times, not far from Mooselookmeguntic Lake, Bald Mountain, and many other places we enjoy. Even Aleks goes ice fishing in these here parts.
We stayed at a beautiful condo on Saddleback Mountain where the wedding was held. The views were spectacular, it was exciting to see the leaves changing color but not so exciting to think about getting home and digging out all our winter gear from the basement. It's about that time of year. Happy Fall (as of Monday).Here's the "G" rated version of the weekend:
Friday Aleks and I spent the day driving up, stoping in Kittery for some shopping and lunch. We had dinner with friends at The Inn
before heading to the rehearsal dinner party where they served home brewed beers and wine.
Saturday we were all up bright and early
(4:30 AM thanks to loud neighbors in the condo below us - boo) and went golfing with the wedding party. Actually, the guys golfed and the girls drove golf carts around the course all morning. We left the guys for lunch, then met back up for the 3:30 ceremony, cocktail hour, and reception. The wedding was beautiful and everyone had a great time, dancing through the night. It was
great to see so many people. We especially love the personalized tooth brushes and trees they gave to all the guests as party favors.
Sunday we got up early again, had breakfast in town, then hit the road, stoping at the Small Falls for all of 5 minutes. It was great stopping at the Trainor's to meet baby Abigail for the first time! She is beautiful and both Shannon and Jeremy seem to be naturals when it comes to parenting.
We picked Mason up in the late afternoon and we're thrilled to announce that he's not limping much for us this time!! The ladies at Lynda's are fabulous and gave him just the right amount of play time with all the other dogs and enough rest to keep him healthy. He'll be sleeping through this entire week from all the
excitement, and we love it!
Here's a link to our pictures from the weekend. Enjoy!
What a way to spend a Tuesday!!
We went whale watching, leaving right from the Boston Harbor, and it was fantastic! The water was extremely rough (plenty of people on board got sick just getting out there.) The whale feeding ground called Stellwagen Bank is barely an hour via high-speed catamaran and provides prime whale watching this time of year.

We learned a lot about the feeding habits of whales (primarily humpbacks), and why this area is a popular spot along their migration route - but I won't bore you with those details, you can google that info on your own. The few pictures posted here are to give you some perspective of how close some whales got to the boat and how rough the water was.
One of the marine biologists on board was talking to us about how rare and unexplainable it is that humpbacks will occasionally do a full-body breach out of the water. Just as she's saying there's barely a 1-in-10 chance of people seeing this (and she's been on the water every day for the past 3 weeks without seeing one) we got an upfront close encounter of it with our own eyes!
A humpback whale flew out of the water, head first, and came crashing down on it's back. It seemed to be just feet from the boat and where Aleks and I were standing. It was amazing! We saw it again for a second time, a bit further out, and then a tail or fin crash the surface. It was spectacular!
We were so caught up in all the excitement we didn't capture much on the camera. We got enough shots of some backs arching out of the water, blow-holes as they surface, and a few tails as they dive back into deeper waters. There's nothing like seeing a full whale breach the surface in person out in the water with you!
We were glad we took the day to enjoy time together and experience something in the Boston area we wouldn't ordinarily do. Enjoy these short video clips of what little action we caught on camera....